Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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371 lines
| SystemDictionary Method Definitions
| Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
| Written by Steve Byrne.
| This file is part of GNU Smalltalk.
| GNU Smalltalk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
| under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
| Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.
| GNU Smalltalk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
| ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
| FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
| details.
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
| GNU Smalltalk; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
| Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
| Change Log
| ============================================================================
| Author Date Change
| sbyrne 8 Jul 89 Created.
Object variableSubclass: #CFunctionDescriptor
instanceVariableNames: 'cFunction cFunctionName returnType numFixedArgs'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: nil !
CFunctionDescriptor comment:
'I am not part of the Smalltalk definition. My instances contain information
about C functions that can be called from within Smalltalk, such as number
and type of parameters. This information is used by the C callout mechanism
to perform the actual call-out to C routines.' !
"A couple of simple, but useful callout functions, as examples."
Behavior defineCFunc: 'system'
withSelectorArgs: 'system: aString'
forClass: SystemDictionary
returning: #int
args: #(string)!
Behavior defineCFunc: 'getenv'
withSelectorArgs: 'getenv: aString'
forClass: SystemDictionary
returning: #string
args: #(string)!
Smalltalk at: #XGlobals put: (Dictionary new)!
XGlobals at: #Registry put: (Dictionary new)!
FileStream fileIn: 'X.st'.
FileStream fileIn: 'XPacket.st'!
Object subclass: #Display
instanceVariableNames: 'socket majorVersion minorVersion releaseNum resourceIdBase
resourceIdMask motionBufferSize maxRequestLen imageByteOrder
bitmapBitOrder bitmapFormatScanUnit bitmapFormatScanPad
minKeycode maxKeycode vendorName formats screens idCounter'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'X hacking'
Object subclass: #Format
instanceVariableNames: 'depth bitsPerPixel scanlinePad'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'X hacking'
Object subclass: #Screen
instanceVariableNames: 'window defaultColormap whitePixel blackPixel
currentInputMasks widthPixels heightPixels
widthMM heightMM minInstalledMaps maxInstalledMaps
rootVisual backingStores saveUnders rootDepth
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'X hacking'
Object subclass: #Depth
instanceVariableNames: 'depth visuals'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'X hacking'
Object subclass: #VisualType
instanceVariableNames: 'visualId class bitsPerRGB colormapEntries
redMask greenMask blueMask'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'X hacking'
!Display class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
host: hostName display: anInteger
| xStream result |
xStream _ X connectTo: hostName display: anInteger.
xStream char: (Bigendian ifTrue: [ $B ] ifFalse: [ $l ]).
xStream byte: 0.
xStream word: 11.
xStream word: 0.
xStream word: 0. "length of auth string"
xStream word: 0. "length of auth data"
xStream word: 0. "unused"
xStream byte == 1 "succeeded?"
ifTrue: [ xStream byte. "unused here "
^self new: xStream ]
ifFalse: [ ^nil ] "maybe issue an error?"
new: fromStream
^self new init: fromStream
!Display methodsFor: 'accessing'!
| id |
id _ resourceIdBase bitOr: (idCounter bitAnd: resourceIdMask).
idCounter _ idCounter + 1.
!Display methodsFor: 'private'!
init: xStream
| vendorLen numScreens numFormats |
idCounter _ 0.
socket _ xStream.
majorVersion _ socket uword.
minorVersion _ socket uword.
socket uword. "skip length"
releaseNum _ socket ulong.
resourceIdBase _ socket ulong.
BaseId _ resourceIdBase.
resourceIdMask _ socket ulong.
BaseMask _ resourceIdMask.
motionBufferSize _ socket ulong.
vendorLen _ socket uword.
maxRequestLen _ socket uword.
numScreens _ socket ubyte.
numFormats _ socket ubyte.
imageByteOrder _ socket byte.
bitmapBitOrder _ socket byte.
bitmapFormatScanUnit _ socket ubyte.
bitmapFormatScanPad _ socket ubyte.
minKeycode _ socket ubyte.
maxKeycode _ socket ubyte.
socket long. "ignored "
vendorName _ socket getString: vendorLen.
formats _ Array new: numFormats.
screens _ Array new: numScreens.
1 to: numFormats do:
[ :i | formats at: i put: (Format new: socket) ].
1 to: numScreens do:
[ :i | screens at: i put: (Screen new: socket) ]
!Format class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
new: xStream
^self new init: xStream
!Format methodsFor: 'private'!
init: socket
depth _ socket ubyte.
bitsPerPixel _ socket ubyte.
scanlinePad _ socket ubyte.
5 timesRepeat: [ socket ubyte ] "skip trailing junk"
!Screen class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
new: xStream
^self new init: xStream
!Screen methodsFor: 'private'!
init: socket
| depthsAllowed |
window _ socket ulong.
RootWindowID isNil
ifTrue: [ RootWindowID _ window ]. "only want first one"
defaultColormap _ socket ulong.
whitePixel _ socket ulong.
blackPixel _ socket ulong.
WhitePixel _ whitePixel.
BlackPixel _ blackPixel.
currentInputMasks _ socket ulong.
widthPixels _ socket uword.
heightPixels _ socket uword.
widthMM _ socket uword.
heightMM _ socket uword.
minInstalledMaps _ socket uword.
maxInstalledMaps _ socket uword.
rootVisual _ socket ulong.
backingStores _ socket byte.
saveUnders _ socket byte.
rootDepth _ socket byte.
depthsAllowed _ socket byte.
depths _ Array new: depthsAllowed.
1 to: depthsAllowed do:
[ :i | depths at: i put: (Depth new: socket) ]
!Depth class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
new: xStream
^self new init: xStream
!Depth methodsFor: 'private'!
init: socket
| numVisuals |
depth _ socket byte.
socket byte. " ignore "
numVisuals _ socket word.
socket long. " pad "
visuals _ Array new: numVisuals.
1 to: numVisuals do:
[ :i | visuals at: i put: (VisualType new: socket) ]
!VisualType class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
new: xStream
^self new init: xStream
!VisualType methodsFor: 'accessing'!
!VisualType methodsFor: 'private'!
init: socket
| visualId class bitsPerRGB colormapEntries redMask greenMask blueMask |
visualId _ socket long.
VisualId isNil
ifTrue: [ VisualId _ visualId ]. "pick up first (bw)"
class _ socket byte.
"(#(StaticGray GrayScale StaticColor PseudoColor TrueColor DirectColor)
at: class + 1) bugOut: 'Display type: '."
bitsPerRGB _ socket byte.
colormapEntries _ socket word.
redMask _ socket long.
greenMask _ socket long.
blueMask _ socket long.
socket long " ignored "
FileStream fileIn: 'Point.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'Rectangle.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'error.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'event.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'Atom.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'TextItem.st'!
!X methodsFor: 'reading'!
| type err |
type _ self byte.
type == 0 ifTrue: [ err _ XError newFrom: self.
err inspect.
^nil ].
type > 1 ifTrue: [ ^XEvent newFrom: self type: type ]
| err |
(self byte) == 0
ifTrue: [ err _ XError newFrom: self.
err inspect.
^false ].
self byte. "skip the unused reply value"
self word. "skip the sequence number"
self long. "skip the length"
FileStream fileIn: 'Arc.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'Drawable.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'GC.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'Window.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'Pixmap.st'!
FileStream fileIn: 'Pen.st'!